Your Home Insurance And Water Damage Inside And Outside



If you happen to see water standing next to your home do you realize that it can cause you to have some water damage to parts of your home. Any of this water can flow into any little cracks that you have anywhere on the outside of your home. This type of damage can arrive any time there is wet weather or even from using your garden hose. This is when water damage to your home can begin. If water is there often, it causes destruction slowly, but surely. Before long that tiny crack that allowed in a small amount of water could widen and deteriorate and allow in enough water to flood your basement or crawlspace and that is not all.

You have several places in your home that will cause you to have this water damage. You can also receive it several ways outside the home. Your home owners insurance will help you with the damage to the inside of your home, but in some cases the water issues outside your home will not be covered when it comes from a natural disaster such as a flood or even heavy rainfall. You really need to look over your home policy closely, especially any small print. You will probably find out that if you receive water from a source outside the home and you happen to get any damage from it, your insurance does not have to pay or help with this damage claim. In other words you are up a creek without a paddle.

Your insurance companies may or may not explain this to you so it is up to you to make sure that you have a clause in your policy to cover this type of damage as you might never know when you could get hit. Just go to your insurance company that holds this policy and ask them to put this clause in it for you. Your policy will probably cost you a little more, but if you happen to get hit with this type of damage, having this insurance could be your life saver. Having this coverage will keep more money in your pockets for something else that might come up. Most home owners these days have separate flood insurance coverage and most mortgage companies and other home lenders require it.
You should always be covered for water damage that comes from the home itself, such as broken water pipes, tub or toilet overflows, or even an appliance that leaks or floods. The most important thing about your home insurance is what it will cover if you get damage and waiting until you have damage is not the time to find out what your coverage includes.
By: Aydan Corkern