pinereign 1.0This application,"pinereign", is an action game on your desktop for great entertainment. A first-person immersive action game of skill and strategy where you use the landscape's resources to gain height, and ultimately depose the Sentinel at the Zenith. If you liked The Sentinel, you'll love this! Freeware, requires OpenGL. You start each game with your consciousness occupying a robot shell in the valleys of a hostile landscape. Around you are a few trees, which you can absorb for energy if you can see the square that they stand on. Now that you've absorbed some energy from the landscape, the Sentinel has awoken! It slowly scans a small sector of the landscape, looking for objects containing more than a single unit of energy (anything other than a tree). When the Sentinel finds a concentration of energy, it scatters that energy (as trees) across the landscape, one unit at a time.
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Tham khảo thêm ở đây: http://soft444.com/2010/12/07/pinereign-1-0/