Flash Renamer 6.41.308Flash Renamer renames many files at once by applying rules such as case convert, sequential numbering & seach/replace. It's a time saver for people with large amount of files, eg digital camera users, webmasters & mp3 collectors.
? Fast as lightning! Renames thousands of files in a matter of seconds.
? Set casing to UPPER CASE, lower case or First Letter Case.
? Rename Mp3s using their tags and properties.
? Build in Mp3 tagger.
? Read data from jpeg Exif tags. Excellent for digital camera users!
? Search and replace strings within filenames. Wildcard & RegExp support.
? Set or clear file attributes, such as 'read only' and 'hidden'.
? Set date & time using various sources, such as image Exif date.
? Add or Remove strings from specified positions.
? Add counters to files that are related, such as photo sessions.
? Change existing numbers, eg by adding or subtracting.
? Extract meta-data from media, such as width/height and duration.
? Realtime preview shows the new filenames before you rename.
? Works on files, folders and sub-folders.
? Create your own rename rules using scripting.
? Easily manage your photo collection by using the thumbnail mode.
? Add zeros to numbers to make files sort correctly in every situation.
? Context menus allows you to quickly launch FR when you need it.
Whether you're a photographer, webmaster, a power downloader, or simply just have a lot of files, you will love the power Flash Renamer brings you. And you will love it even more afterwards, when you realize how much time and effort it has saved you. Let Flash Renamer do the work for you. You'll never rename more that one file by hand ever again, that's a promise!Requirements: N/AWhat's new in this version: Added advanced include filter & pre-processor
download here
Tham khảo thêm ở đây: http://soft444.com/2010/12/25/flash-renamer-6-41-308/