Email NVC request a case number



Nếu sau 1 tháng từ khi hồ sợ của bạn được chấp nhận mà bạn vẫn chưa nhận được liên lạc từ NVC, bạn có thể xài form này để email request:

Object: USCIS - Receipt Number

Dear Madam or Sir,

The petition filed by my husband, Mr. [Joe ], born on [02/02/1977], on my behalf was approved by USCIS on [01/11/1999]. However, since then, I have not received my case number.

Thus, I would be grateful to you for providing me with my case number if my case is already assigned a number.

Please note that I was born on [02/22/1988].

Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible, I remain.

Yours truly,
