Dupli Find 6.0.55


Junior Member

Dupli Find 6.0.55Dupli Find is a utility that locates duplicate lines/rows in text files, Excel spreadsheets and Word documents. Found duplicates are presented visually and can easily be removed from the source with a minumim of work required. Filtering can be used to pinpoint specific parts of the lines for better results. Dupli Find can also be used as a general text utility that provides many functions for manipulating text files.


* Opens text files, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.
* Displays a list duplicate lines / rows that were found.
* Visually select duplicates to remove, manually or automatic.
* Saves the file without selected duplicates.
* Can display frequency of recurring lines.

Use Dupli Find to...

* Manage your data lists, such as newsletter email lists.
* Gather statistics from your data files.
* Verify lists where each item must be unique.
* Help you perform data mining tasks.
* Join several text files into one, only keeping unique lines.
* Sort lines in textfiles, ascending or descending.
* Convert from Unix / Mac OS X format to Dos / Windows textfiles.

... and much more!Requirements: N/AWhat's new in this version: Added advanced filters. Interface enhancements.
download here
Tham khảo thêm ở đây: http://soft444.com/2010/12/14/dupli-find-6-0-55/