4 “Think about” ideas to make your managed metadata


Junior Member

At 3rd SharePoint Saturday Vietnam, I gave the presentation regarding deploying managed metadata, which is new in SharePoint thiet ke nha dep 2010 allowing you to store terms, keyword, managed metadata or so on in order to make your rich information across organization. mau nha How do you think about managed metadata comparing with metadata? Both definitions are metadata that is described on a lot of resources mau nha dep through Internet even you couldn’t understand quickly once you’ve read “data about data“, however, managed metadata in my opinion kien truc is different from metadata when it comes to taxonomy/folksonomy. I had a controversy with Filipino consultant regarding pros kien truc dep and cons of taxonomy, which is described as a particular classification, when we start planning metadata for document management kien truc nha system.

Now take a look at my title with the word “Managed metadata” so I don’t absolutely intend to xay nha give 4 “think about” ideas to make you metadata. Let’s follow me to see 4 quick ideas to make managed metadata for your organization.

nha ong Think about general information

The first idea is to think about general information in your organization. nha ong dep General information is what you know when being asked about your organization or your profile. Department unit basically is xay nha dep used as managed metadata, however you should carefully consider your structure of organization in order to make a hierarchy noi that dep of department effectively. Sometimes, when we synchronize Active Directory to SharePoint, we have two options for Department cong dep whether using Department attribute in Active Directory or managed metadata in SharePoint but you don’t worry because managed metadata nha cap 4 on Manged Metadata service application is automatically prioritized. Some general information you still keep thinking about is anh nha dep positions, roles, divisions. The last one thing I can recommend you to put into general information is location room or branch. cong nha dep From location room idea, you can build floor-level such as Floor 1st (Room A111, thiet ke nha dep Room A112), Floor 2nd (Room A221, Room A222) ban ve nha for meeting solution. That’s why I recommend you to use floor-level in such a way that you can make your meeting better. Below hinh nha dep are groups I recommend:

Department Position Room Think about where, when, who

It sounds like nha xinh above idea when you see the words “Where, Who“, however, this isn’t my opinion. Prior to thinking about Where – When – Who, let nha pho me know the business activities of your organization such as Information Technology, Consulting service, Retail, Education or so nha nho dep on, you will then need to indicate partners, clients who are working and coordinating with your organization to get the success. nha biet thu And the word “Who” in my opinion basically means partners, clients of your organization.

After listing your partners biet thu dep and client, you start thinking about “Where“. There are many recommendations for “where” so I can suggest as follows:

nha pho dep Branch office Region Partner/Client country You still keep wondering the word “When” in 3W (Where – When – Who). Depending mat tien dep on your business processes or activities from Accounting process, Finance department to event, which is held by Human Resource kieu nha dep department, or traditional event every month/year, so you can list and classify corresponding period every year. Don’t represent nha hang dep it in term of week/month format such as Jan, Feb… This isn’t my opinion You can analyze as follows:

Recurrent event nha vuon of Accounting/Finance Recurrent meeting Recurrent holiday/vacation Recurrent general event from Human Resource department Think mau nha ong about process

Depending on business process in your organization, you should localize in such a way that trang tri nha business process is classified. For example that is basically recruitment process of Human Resource department, you have ngoi nha dep the following processes:

Identify vacancy Prepare job description and person specification Advertising the vacancy Managing phong ngu dep the response Short-listing Arrange interviews Conducting interview and decision making Remember you are using managed metadata xem nha dep and desiring to make a best enterprise information management system as well. I narrow EIM into DM (as known as Document Management) nha vuon dep to give you why I recommend that you think about process. Take a loot at again 7 processes and let me know what you are thinking thiết kế nhà of managing document in recruitment process.

One thing related to business process is workflow. You can game thiet ke make the status of workflow such as Pending, Rejected, Approved. That’s useful if you plan business processes carefully.

phong khach dep Think about classification

The last idea is to think about classification. When it comes to classification, khong gian dep there are a lot of things you need to classify, from document type, product, project, employee type, fields .. You probably nha bep dep know what your organization will be classified in order to manage effectively. Depending on each department, you will have nha tam dep different classifications.

The word “Classification” may makes you confuse, however, cau thang dep I put it as the last idea in order to give you a view based on the first 3 ideas.

In this post, I didn’t nha dep 2011 intend to show pros/cons or compare managed metadata with metadata. I just recommend 4 ideas to make your managed metadata. nhà đẹp I though I would write more articles regarding taxonomy/folksonomy especially taxonymy in comparison with folksonomy in SharePoint mau nha pho 2010.

1:45 AM GMT +7, Oct 3rd 2011 Các bài viết liên quan: Tổng quan về Business Connectivity Services trong SharePoint Server 2010 Approach SharePoint designs to graduate in your university – Part 1 5 ưu điểm của SharePoint 2010 Tạo Forum bằng Share Point Khám phá workflow trên Visio Premium 2010 - Phần 1 Separate account for prepare SharePoint 2010 environment Các ứng dụng workflow trong doanh nghiệp - Phần3 Tuyển dụng: SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Administrator Fix lỗi " Login failed for user ..." [SharePoint 2010 Security] Vấn đề về quyền hạn kế thừa .