Công bố thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe tốt


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Base request for 15/2018 NĐ-CP of the main policy of the current health protect. Nhiều doanh nghiệp đang còn lung tung do not know right Lâm Như thế nào, thủ tục mới về công bố thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe have as ngày chược or not.? real time for the profile browser has longer longer ,? check only as only? …….

resolution 15/201 NĐ-CP về việc công bố bảo vệ sức khỏe, extra lot lots of time, on check only only, but the page paper back to override more than. To not enough more problems, business time of the business we have been received a package problem from the sample samples, check the paper documentation,, build the dêu only, the profile profile on profile y tế, profile profiles and the results table for another rows in the past from 10-15 days of job. Dai An cam …… .chi phí and time is a validan-gi-tot-cho-tung-bo-phan-co-the-1 (1).gif

Components hồ sơ công bố sản phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe nhập khẩu
  • Giấy chứng nhận hành động tự làm (Giấy chứng nhận Bán miễn phí) hoặc Giấy chứng nhận xuất khẩu (Giấy chứng nhận xuất khẩu) hoặc Giấy chứng nhận y tế (Health Certificate) của cơ quan có thẩm quyền cấp nước xuất / xuất có nội dung phân bảo an toàn for user or used at the field of the export field (export legal);
  • Ticking the product of testing in the 12 months time
  • With the certificate of the certificate of the product of the product or the component created, the job published
Profile profile successfully for health health products in water
  • Ticking the product of testing in the 12 months time
  • With the certificate of the certificate of the product of the product or the component created, the job published
  • Paper certificate the database is an toàn in the object database field must be certificate the certificate database that an toàn executing by the default (the copy that the authenticized of the organization) ;
To with we we have been received the problem in the problem, professional, with many many that you need that that you will be provide the tasks of the transaction, outside the East User that you are the problem only best best reason, and select for the best medium parsing.